IN GAME CHANNEL(遊戲內頻道) : Blazing
ASIA SERVER : Taiwan Server > Korea Server(遊戲伺服器預設為 亞洲 - 台灣優先於韓國)
Asian ONLY(except Korean) 本賽事開放給亞洲選手(韓國選手不包含在內)
CONTACT US(en) : | 賽事專用Discord頻道(中文) :
Start Time(開始時間) : Monday 6nd Apr. @ 19:30 TST / 20:30 KST
Check-in Time(報到時間) : Monday 6nd Apr. @ 18:15 - 19:15 TST / 19:15 - 20:15 KST
Full Information(賽事資訊)
1st 3,600 TWD + 5 blazing points
2nd 2,200 TWD + 3 blazing points
3rd 1,200 TWD + 2 blazing points
4th 1 blazing points
Top 2 of blazing points standing(~27Apr) will qualify to Blazing Series : May S4.
blazing 積分前兩名(~四月二十七)會獲得晉級Blazing Series : May S4的資格。
Reading more on Liquipedia
看更多詳細資訊請見 Liquipedia 頁面 :
1. Ladder map pool.
2. Player on top in Bracket is A side: BO3(ABBA ABC) | BO5(AB ABBA)
3. Ro.64 are BO1, Finals are BO5, rest of tournament are BO3.
4. Semifinals - Finals are double-elimination, res of tournament are single-elimination(losers' bracket no need)
5. The player on the winners' bracket in finals has 1 score lead.
6. Winners' & Losers' Finals & Finals will be cast on main stream :
1. 天梯地圖池
2. 地圖禁選 - 相較位於賽程表上方者為A,BO3(ABBA ABC) | BO5(AB ABBA)
3. 六十四強為BO1,決賽為BO5, 其餘對戰皆為BO3
4. 準決賽至決賽為雙敗淘汰,在準決賽前為單敗淘汰
5. 決賽中勝部冠軍將擁有一分領先
6. 勝敗部決賽和決賽皆須於官方直播進行轉播 :
Quick Rules(English)
No Barcodes allowed.
- All players are responsible for uploading their replays to [email protected](Title : Blazing Series report) or Discord DM (AzureRush#5446) immediately after their match set has concluded. Failure to upload replays or uploading false replays may result in a ban from future tournaments.
- Admins will use the rules to reach decisions during the tournament.
Admins will release the bracket on the in-game chat channel. After this matches should begin within 10 minutes of when the match can first be played.
- Failure to be present in the in-game chat channel can result in disqualification.
- Players must allow the official stream casters into the game. If you have doubts please contact an admin.
- In the case of a draw, the game will be replayed on the same map.
- In the case of a disconnect, players have 10 minutes to return online OR to contact an admin on Discord DM(AzureRush#5446), at which point the admin will make a decision.
- After a disconnect games should be recovered. Between the time of the disconnect and the recovery of the game the players concerned should not watch any replays.
- According to the ROC(Taiwan) tax law, contest winners must be withheld according to the amount paid. Non-nationals will be withheld by 20%; nationals will be withheld by 10%.
- 所有選手有義務在比賽結束後立即將Replays檔案回傳至 [email protected](主旨 : Blazing Series report) 或發訊息至 Discord AzureRush#5446。沒有進行檔案回傳者將會喪失參賽資格。
- 裁判將按本章規則進行判決。
- 沒有加入遊戲頻道將有可能會使你喪失參賽資格。
- 選手必須允許官方直播或官方授權直播人員進入比賽,如果有任何疑問請立即詢問裁判。
- 如果出現和局,雙方選手必須於同一張地圖再次進行比賽。
- 如果選手出現網路連線中斷等情況,需於10分鐘內恢復連線,或是聯繫賽事管理員 Discord(AzureRush#5446),管理員與裁判將會作出最終判決。
- 若賽事遊戲因為網路問題而中斷,則在排除問題後應使用遊戲內的「恢復遊戲」恢復比賽。在「恢復遊戲」完成之前,選手不應該觀看任何重播。
- 依據中華民國稅法規定,競技競賽和機會中獎必須按照給付金額進行扣繳。非本國國民將扣繳20%;本國國民將扣繳10%。